The Ponce de Leon Hotel, his grandest construction, and one of the first structures built of poured concrete, today serves as the main campus of Flagler College. The Alcazar Hotel, today the Lichtner Museum, was his second structure. They were joined by a rival hotel, The Casa Monica, purchased soon after construction by Flagler. The Casa Monica continues to operate today. Together, these hotels began the tourism industry for Florida, the economic engine that, in many ways, drives the state’s economic fortunes to this day.
Further information can be found here.
Visitor Tip
____ miles: heading south on the byway.
Points Of Interest
- Ponte Vedra Beach
- Bird Island Park
- Mickler’s Landing
- Guana Tolomato Matanzas
- Guana Tolomato Matanzas Environmental Ed Center
- Nease Beachfront Park
- Vilano Beach
- Colonial St. Augustine
- St. Augustine
- The Flagler Factor
- America’s Tourism Capital 1890-1930
- Anastasia Island
- Fort Matanzas – National Monument
- Marineland and UF Whitney Lab
- Washington Oaks Gardens State Park
- Malacompra Plantation Archaeological Site
- Betty Steflik Memorial Reserve
- Flagler Beach Pier
- Gamble Rogers Memorial State Park